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Дослідницькі Роботи (Research Papers) — це глибокі аналізи та висновки. Наші Дослідницькі Роботи представляють собою вершину академічного строгості. Написані нашою командою експертів та співпрацюючими вченими, ці роботи забезпечують широкий аналіз різних тем. Вони базуються на всебічних дослідженнях та мають на меті розвинути розуміння у своїх відповідних галузях.
Політичні Документи (Policy Papers) — це для формування майбутнього політики. Політичні Документи зосереджені на практичних рішеннях та рекомендаціях для політиків та практиків. Ці документи перетворюють складні результати досліджень на дієві інсайти, маючи на меті впливати на рішення у сфері політики та пропонувати напрямки для ефективних змін.
Оглядові Роботи (Review Papers) — це роботи, що синтезують знання та перспективи. Оглядові Роботи пропонують ґрунтовний огляд існуючої літератури та досліджень у конкретній області. Ці роботи надають критичні оцінки, підсумовують поточні знання та визначають напрямки майбутніх досліджень. Вони незамінні для розуміння ширшого контексту та розвитків у межах галузі.
The European Parliament is the largest representative body of over 500 million people, elected on the basis of direct, equal, and secret voting rights. It includes representatives from 27 EU member states, each with different approaches to domestic and foreign policy. The European Parliament elections are not just about renewing a single institution but also potentially changing the political course of the Union. The EP elects the new head of the European Commission, the foreign policy body, as well as the European Council, the main strategic organ of the EU. This highlights the significance and importance of these elections for all of Europe and the world. The European Parliament lacks broad competence in the area of common foreign policy and sanctions policy against third countries of the EU, but it can shape political positions, represent public opinion according to its mandate, and appoint key figures responsible for sanctions policy in the EU.
Author — Collective
In this analytical report, the policies of 8 Latin American countries - Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Uruguay, and Chile - regarding Russian aggression are analysed. The criteria include the level of relations with Ukraine, positions on Russian aggression since 2014, reactions of politicians, military, and diplomats after February 24, 2022, provision of assistance to Ukraine, reasons for their stance, and prospects for bilateral relations or the struggle of Ukrainian diplomacy for support from these countries at the international level.
Author — Collective
The Western Balkans are currently not a central region in global or even European politics, unlike in the 19th and 20th centuries. However, they represent a microcosm of key global processes and trends, including intense conflicts, post-conflict regulation and reintegration issues, ethnonationalism, and the active penetration of third actors, particularly China and Russia. The Western Balkans present an extremely complex and multi-level operational environment, often transforming the politics and tools applied by third actors. While the EU has been a longstanding and established player in the region, China, Turkey, and Russia have only recently, in one way or another, returned here, necessitating research into their objectives, means, and achievements in the Western Balkans. Read about how Moscow, Ankara, and Beijing operate in the Balkans and whether they manage to implement their global and local tasks in our comprehensive study.
Author — Olena Yurchenko
● How much has Russia already lost and how much more will it lose due to the imposed restrictions;● Why hasn't the aggressor's economy collapsed yet, and why doesn't the dollar cost 300 rubles?;● How the Kremlin circumvents restrictions and how to close these loopholes;● Whether there will be new sanctions and how long Moscow can withstand such a regime.
Find answers to these and other questions in our current study.
Author — Olena Yurchenko
Youth policy is an integral part of the harmonious development of the state and united communities. Practice convincingly demonstrates that those regions and cities which can effectively develop and productively utilise the innovative potential of development, primarily carried by the youth, have strategic advantages.
The study "Analysis of Youth Policy in Chernivtsi" was developed by the Analytical Centre ADASTRA on behalf of the NGO "Chernivtsi Youth Centre".
Author — Collective
Amidst a severe military crisis instigated by the Russian invasion, Ukraine is faced with maintaining democratic stability problems due to implementing stringent policies and regulations such as Martial Law to make fast decisions and safeguard its sovereignty. This paper explores the complexities and challenges of preserving democratic norms, focusing on (1) political rights, (2) civil liberties, and (3) governmental transparency during the exigencies of warfare. While these democratic elements face potential erosion during the war, their preservation and eventual restoration are crucial for Ukraine's post-war recovery and ongoing democratic development as well as Eurointegration.
Recommendations focus on the mitigation of policies that constrain democracy during wartime, maintaining public engagement, ensuring the power of human rights protection and enhancing transparency and accountability, which are essential for maintaining a robust democratic framework.
Author — Taras Prodaniuk
Since February 24 of this year, as Russia invaded Ukraine, the economic and political stability in Europe has been disturbed. The continued destruction of Ukraineʼs economy and infrastructure is exacerbating the world crisis and putting parts of the world on the brink of a food crisis. The Ukrainian Recovery Plan presented in Lugano proposes the reconstruction of Ukraine. Since receiving a candidate status, Ukraine is one step further on its course to membership in the European Union. All this places the EU as the main guardian of the country's post-war reconstruction. This paper recommends that the EU and, in particular, the Czech Presidency should organise comprehensive assistance in this regard and identify its main priorities. First, besides assisting in upgrading the institutional capacities and efficiency of the central government, the EU should support the local actors and civil society partners in post-war governance. Second, the post-war recovery should connect Ukraineʼs immediate reconstruction and reform needs and the EUʼs long-term digital and green priorities rather than prioritising one over the other.
Author — Taras Prodaniuk, Artur Koldomasov
In this study, we analyse the main drivers of global partnership and the directions in which regional authorities can achieve significant results for the prosperity of their communities. Based on this analysis, we offer recommendations that should be considered for the effective implementation of international cooperation in support of European integration and the balanced economic growth of all regions of the country.
Author — Taras Prodaniuk
The diversity of conceptualisations and definitions of identity raises problems with the methodological harmony, clarity and operability of the construct itself for research. Nevertheless, according to A. Paasi, regional identity is the key factor for sufficient regional cooperation and successful interaction between the countries. This policy paper aims to elucidate the peculiarities of Eastern European regional identity as exemplified by Ukraine and Moldova, and the impact of the Eastern Partnership on the transformation of the aforementioned countries in the terms of their national and regional identification.
Authors — Olena Yurchenko, Ion Cantea, Olesia Mykhailova
On January 24th, the next session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe will open in Strasbourg. In addition to the usual institutional (election of new leadership) and procedural matters, the agenda will include a series of topical discussions. What interests us the most are the topics concerning Ukraine, which is what we will be discussing in this article.
Authors — Bohdan Veselovskiy, Taras Prodaniuk
Assessing the current state of Ukraine's foreign policy, which is fundamentally based on a close intertwining of Atlantic and European vectors with an underestimation of other world regions, this document accumulates the most relevant recommendations regarding Ukraine's international political activities. The conceptual foundations of these recommendations stem from an analysis of the current foreign policy strategy and address its identified shortcomings. On the second anniversary of its establishment, the ADASTRA centre has prepared a comprehensive document with recommendations for the foreign policy of our state.
Author — Collective
In light of recent legislative proposals in the Verkhovna Rada regarding the reform of the carbon tax, our team decided to compare the carbon tax with the emissions trading system for greenhouse gases, to determine which model of the 'polluter pays' principle should be implemented in Ukraine.
Author — Viktor Karvatskyy
This covers the main directions of the foreign policy of the countries of Oceania, the challenges they face, and prospects for regional leadership.
Also, read about the security policy of the countries in this region at the provided link!
Author — Collective
The pandemic, caused by the spread of coronavirus infection, has transformed not only our everyday lives but also a number of global processes. The quarantine has forced us to change our attitudes towards many things: instead of visiting eateries, people have started to use food delivery services more actively, streaming platforms have replaced cinema visits, and remote learning has taken the place of traditional face-to-face education, marking a shift from conventional mechanisms to more technological ones. Therefore, ADASTRA presents an analytical note on the consequences of COVID-19 for the economy and business.
Author — Collective
This document is created for a long-term perspective and embodies the concept of a la carte approach – the readers of this policy brief may pick the best ideas out of this pile and put them into practice. It is essential to clarify that this is just a policy brief, and it is impossible to implement all the ideas expressed here at once.
Author — Arthur Koldomasov
Ukraine-Saudi Arabia relations have been developing rapidly over the past three decades and continue to play a major role for both states in their efforts to implement geostrategic visions of both countries. Overall, this can pave the path to exploring new opportunities and building long-term strong partnerships between Kyiv and Riyadh in many strategic areas.
Authors — Iryna Zaporizka, Kinda Bakr
Over the last few years, a wide-ranging components have emerged as driving factors for steering the partnership between Pakistan and Ukraine. Trade has significantly increased, cultural and academic exchanges have been intensified, and political support has become evident. However, many sectors remained unexplored like tourism, IT etc. which can enable the two countries to further align their foreign policies and strategic interests.
Author — Collective
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought us not only fever and cough, but also tons of disinformation, attempts at manipulation, and the spreading of panic among populations in various countries. In such difficult times, media safety, as a component of information security, provides personal protection for internet users and helps not only to recognize unreliable information but also to prevent the spread of disinformation.
Author — Collective